Delight is, just as the name implies, a Delight!
It's a colorful, fun, sunny, happy place to let go and be yourself and enjoy a world with like-minded friends drenched in wearable nostalgia.
I invite you to come in, check it out and see for yourself. Who knows? You might just find something fabulous to take home and make a few new friends in the process!

Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Monday 12:00 - 18:00
Thursday 12:00 - 18:00
Friday 12:00 - 1800
See "Whats New" for other or special vacation hours
Are we closed when you want to come by?
No problem, just book for after-hours shopping or an after-hours party with your friends!
A quick email and we'll let you know the details!
* you can see when we are on vacation on our "what's New" page
*Warenannahme nur mit Termin möglich
A Quick Peek in the World of Delight
A Feel-Good Concept
We can all agree that buying secondhand and vintage clothing is much better for the environment but did you know that it also helps support the locals as well?
Our shop is mostly supplied by our amazing local women which means that the items you buy are not only just fabulous and unique, they are also a rich part of our neighborhood's history. The money you spend stays in the neighborhood and supports not only us, but the lovely women who bring the items in.
You are supporting a local business and that local business supports the local suppliers. The money stays in the neighborhood which in turn, supports other local businesses PLUS you are doing something good for the evironment AND going home with something amazing!
Its a Win Win Win situation!
Now, dont you feel better about buying that amazing dress and shoes?